Template parameter-dependent attributes
Timon Gehr via Digitalmars-d
digitalmars-d at puremagic.com
Wed Dec 16 09:59:57 PST 2015
On 12/16/2015 06:14 PM, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:
> So, I wrote this beautiful BigO framework: <400 lines all told, clear
> code, real nice. Then I got this cold shower:
> void insertFrontMany(C, R)(C container, R range)
> @BigO(complexity!(C.insertFront) * linearTime)
> {
> ...
> }
> My hope being of course that for containers with linear insertion time
> at the front I'll get quadratic, etc.
linear and quadratic in what?
> The hitch is:
> test.d(377): Error: undefined identifier 'C.insertFront'
> So... attributes are currently not allowed to depend on template
> parameters,
Yes, they are.
template bar(T){ @(T.str) auto bar(T t){ } }
struct A{ enum str="str"; }
static assert(__traits(getAttributes,bar!A)[0]=="str");
> ...
> Seems to me this is a bug - different instantiations should have
> different attributes etc. Is there any matter of principle making this
> not work?
> ...
No, just a broken lowering in the parser.
auto bar(T)(T t)@(T.str){ }
should be the same as
template bar(T){ auto bar(T t)@(T.str){ } }
It's probably very easy to fix.
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