D, windows developement, frustration and fish

FG via Digitalmars-d digitalmars-d at puremagic.com
Sun Feb 1 08:12:11 PST 2015

On 2015-02-01 at 12:29, ketmar wrote:
> the best thing, of course, is to kill that ancient toolchain altogether
> and switch to binutils, they are already working for mingw and they are
> free. and there is COFF writer already too. so only one little step is
> needed: drop dmc and build dmd with mingw. and with dmc all it's tools
> will go.
> besides, this will allow makefile unification, as alot of "posix.mak" can
> be reused for mingw builds. i did that myself while hunting for
> multithreading heisenbug. the side effect of switching to mingw was
> faster dmd.exe: compiling phobos took only 2/3 of time comparing to dmc
> version.

What? How did you do that and what problems did you encounter?
Does it work with regular DMD/Druntime/Phobos or only with Aliced[1]?

[1] I only saw it mentioned once in the forum. What exactly is it?

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