H1 2015 Priorities and Bare-Metal Programming

Walter Bright via Digitalmars-d digitalmars-d at puremagic.com
Sun Feb 1 13:52:13 PST 2015

On 2/1/2015 8:09 AM, Timo Sintonen wrote:
> I just pointed out that d had no way to access registers properly.

volatileLoad() and volatileStore() do the job correctly.

> DMD and GDC
> optimize very heavily and may cache, reorder and remove any access they think is
> not needed.

This is specifically not the case with compiler intrinsics volatileLoad() and 

> Other languages may not have such optimizations and registers can be accessed
> just with normal memory oprations.

The trouble with those is when memory mapped registers have specific behaviors 
based on how and when read/write cycles occur. Many instructions are implicitly 
read-modify-write, and may not offer sufficient control. volatileLoad() and 
volatileStore() make the read/write operations and cycles explicit, even in the 
presence of aggressive optimizations.

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