Git, the D package manager

Martin Nowak via Digitalmars-d digitalmars-d at
Mon Feb 2 19:53:44 PST 2015

On Monday, 2 February 2015 at 09:44:18 UTC, Andrej Mitrovic wrote:
> - Dub installs everything in ~/ (home, which on Windows is an 
> awful location anywho). It's a pain in the ass for browsing 
> dependencies in your editor. If it's just a submodule you can 
> easily view it in the source tree (e.g. just open 
> ./submodules/).

It has the benefit of not reusing code and libraries across 
multiple projects.

> - By default dub emits internal stack traces. This is an insane 
> amount of visual noise that I don't want to read.

Definitely guilty of bad exception usage.

> - If I want to try a new version of a dependency, I have to 
> change the damn .json package file instead of doing a simple 
> 'git checkout ...'. What's worse, I have to wait 15-20 minutes 
> for the latest tagged version of a dependency to finally show 
> up on
> I could use add-local, but it's broken[1].

Never had a problem with add-local, but I didn't use it with sub 
packages yet.
In fact sub-packages are overused and fairly complex. 
Configurations can handle most of the tasks much simpler.

> - Shit breaks every N releases (where N is arbitrary).

It's still beta and a fast moving project, but we're stabilizing.

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