H1 2015 - db access support in Phobos
Vadim Lopatin via Digitalmars-d
digitalmars-d at puremagic.com
Tue Feb 3 00:56:22 PST 2015
On Tuesday, 3 February 2015 at 08:23:56 UTC, Daniel Kozak wrote:
> On Monday, 2 February 2015 at 04:00:31 UTC, Vadim Lopatin wrote:
>> I would like to propose Java way for implementation of DB
>> access (JDBC - Java DataBase Connectors).
>> Standard library must contain only
>> * set of interfaces for uniform DB access
>> * Connection - can create Statement or PreparedStatement,
>> control transactions
>> * Statement - can run update or query
>> * PreparedStatement - same as Statement, but with parameters
>> * ResultSet - DB query result row access
>> * DataSource - can create connections, w/o parameters
>> * Driver - interface which implements connection factory
>> for particular DB types
>> * Some useful classes like ConnectionPool
>> * factory method to create connection by URL and parameter set
>> * some method to register DB driver for factory - e.g. when
>> called from driver's module __gshared static this()
>> Drivers may be placed in separate packages in standard library
>> or in some DUB packages.
>> Look at https://github.com/buggins/ddbc
>> Currently it contains drivers for sqlite, MySQL and PostgreSQL.
>> If Andrey/Walter wish, I can prepare pool request based on
>> code from ddbc.
>> Best regards,
>> Vadim
> Yep this is way to go, I have start implementing JPA for
> Dlang(ddpa - dlang data persistence api):
> @Entity
> @(Table.name("nazev_tabulky").schema("nazev_schema"))
> class C
> {
> @Id @(GeneratedValue.strategy(GenerationType.IDENTITY))
> long id;
> auto getId()
> {
> return this.id;
> }
> void setId(long id)
> {
> this.id = id;
> }
> }
> void main() {
> EntityManagerFactory emf =
> Persistence.createEntityManagerFactory("test");
> EntityManager em = emf.createEntityManager();
> C obj = em.find!C(1);
> }
I did almost the same :) https://github.com/buggins/hibernated
// Annotations of entity classes
class User {
long id;
string name;
Customer customer;
@ManyToMany // cannot be inferred, requires annotation
LazyCollection!Role roles;
class Customer {
int id;
string name;
// Embedded is inferred from type of Address
Address address;
Lazy!AccountType accountType; // ManyToOne inferred
User[] users; // OneToMany inferred
this() {
address = new Address();
class Address {
string zip;
string city;
string streetAddress;
class AccountType {
int id;
string name;
class Role {
int id;
string name;
@ManyToMany // w/o this annotation will be OneToMany by
LazyCollection!User users;
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