Git, the D package manager

Tofu Ninja via Digitalmars-d digitalmars-d at
Tue Feb 3 05:19:51 PST 2015

On Tuesday, 3 February 2015 at 08:39:56 UTC, Atila Neves wrote:
> I wasn't forgetting C++ integration, if I do this that'd be a 
> main part of the build system.
> Ugly doesn't do the CMake scripting language justice. CMake is 
> like democracy; terrible, but better than everything else. I 
> think I can do better but I need to figure out a bunch of 
> details.
> Atila

Why not invest your time into improving dub and adding these 
features, we don't need another tool. Improving dub would have a 
much bigger impact than making another tool that is almost 
certainly never going to get used because very few tools ever get 
to that level.

Honestly it seems like a huge waist of time and very counter 

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