C++ to catch up?
Steven Schveighoffer via Digitalmars-d
digitalmars-d at puremagic.com
Tue Feb 3 05:32:43 PST 2015
On 2/2/15 3:32 PM, Laeeth Isharc wrote:
> Perhaps I should have made clearer in my post, but do you think it is
> necessarily inappropriate to extend a conversation that petered out
> rather than making a new post. Many observers (Neil Postman - 'amusing
> ourselves to death') have pointed to the superficiality and loss of
> coherence arising from the way in which we use technology.
Absolutely not inappropriate. I actually prefer it being a newsgroup
user. Many people will instead reference a post on the forum instead of
replying, and then I have to use the forum interface to see what they
are talking about. I'd much rather have the full discussion in my
preferred interface.
However, a note to say this is in response to a really old post at the
top may be helpful, people typically ignore the "X posted in 2012" part
of the quoted original.
> The question of D's edge and prospects isn't one that changes more than
> incrementally over a couple of years, as I understand it. And I thought
> more than a few times before deciding to post as to whether this would
> add value to the world, but it's an important question and my particular
> part of finance is not a tiny use domain.
> Putting oneself in the position of a prospective new user (as I have to
> do before suggesting my peers give D a try), one comes away from reading
> Slashdot discussions with the idea that there are a lot of complaints
> about D - and then one reads the forums and has a similar perspective.
> Since people are starved of attention and time, some will give up right
> then. So I wanted to do my small part to contextualize this.
The thing is, not everyone here is on slashdot, reddit etc. I think you
can always find a place where people are hostile to your language to
bitch (and some users find some sort of glee in trolling those posts to
complain about the language every chance they can). The best place to
ask questions about d is on the d.learn forum. And yes, there are
chronic complainers about the language here too. Sometimes their gripes
are legitimate, sometimes they are not, and generally the devs are there
to answer every one. D is definitely not for mission critical
applications yet, unless you are willing to work your whole business
around it (e.g. Sociomantic).
I think we are in a pretty good spot right now. I'm very optimistic
about the future of D.
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