Google Summer of Code - Again

CraigDillabaugh via Digitalmars-d digitalmars-d at
Thu Feb 5 12:30:30 PST 2015

On Friday, 30 January 2015 at 04:32:14 UTC, Craig Dillabaugh 
> It seems like its been too long since I posted asking for GSOC 
> help.
> The start of submissions for the 2015 Google Summer of Code is 
> fast approaching,
> so once again I would like to approach the community for some 
> assistance. My immediate needs are:
> 1) I need a volunteer for 'backup' administrator.  This is a 
> requirement, so I really
> need someone to volunteer for this position, which with a 
> little luck will require
> exactly 0 work, and will bring you great honour and prestige.
> 2) DigitalMars is listed as the mentoring orgnaization.  Should 
> we register rather
> as
> 3) QML.  The QML project is very thin, and unless it can be 
> improved it will
> need to be dropped.  Recently there was a QML project posted on 
> the Announce list:
> This might be a good starting point for a student project, if 
> the developer of
> this project is interested in mentoring, but I haven't been 
> able to get a hold of
> him/her. Does anyone know how to get in touch with 'filcuc'.
> 4) Extra polishing is welcome on any of the ideas sections.  In 
> particular I
> wanted to have a "It is Good To Know" section indicating what 
> students should
> know (or be expected to learn).  Some of these are fairly well 
> filled out,
> others are non-existant or sparse.  The ideas page is at:
> 5) If you are a mentor, I've tried to make a bio's page for 
> mentors. It can
> be seen here:
> If you are a mentor please consider filling your bio out.  I've 
> dug up stuff
> off the web/old D Conf bio's, etc on a few of you, but it would 
> be nice if folks
> could edit their own.
> 6) We could still use maybe one (or two) more solid ideas.  If 
> you are working
> on some cool project related to the D ecosystem, and think a 
> student could help you (and you could help
> them) we could maybe add your idea to the list.  Especially if 
> we end up
> dropping QML.
> 7) If we are approved we will need to form a committee to 
> evaluate the student
> proposals that will undoubtedly flood in ...  any volunteers 
> for that duty!  It should likely include the mentors, but they 
> might be biased, so some folks outside the mentors group would 
> be nice.

Just bumping my own thread here.  GSOC program proposals can be 
submitted in less than a week (Feb 9th), and I would like to 
submit our proposal near the beginning of the time period. Thanks 
to everyone thus far who has volunteered to help.  We could still 
use an extra topic or two, and pointers

Bio's for some mentors are still incomplete. Jacob Ovrum and 
Russel Winder have no bio, and for others I have scrapped 
together some stuff from off the internet that may be way out of 
date!  I would encourage anyone who volunteered to mentor to at 
least read over what I wrote for accuracy - and ask Jacob and 
Russel to fill something in - or I can always make something up 
for you :o)

Finally, I wanted to ask what the Phobos mentors think of adding 
std.xml to the list of Phobos libraries that could use an update?

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