@trust is an encapsulation method, not an escape

Wyatt via Digitalmars-d digitalmars-d at puremagic.com
Fri Feb 6 09:02:43 PST 2015

On Friday, 6 February 2015 at 15:48:45 UTC, Ola Fosheim Grøstad 
> 2. @trusted sections are written without dependencies
This really won't happen unless statically enforced because 
humans are involved.

> 3. @trusted are formally proven safe
...by humans?

> 4. @trusted functions rarely change
Is this so?  Data, please.

> 5. @trusted is 0-2% of the codebase
In Phobos, you mean?  You've checked?

2% in my world is already thousands of lines of code, and I'm far 
from having the largest of maintenance burdens.  Get it to a 
small fraction of a percent and then maybe we can talk.

> linear type system
Time and place, man.  I'm not even sure why you're bringing this 
up here.

> Jonathan recently said he would like to volunteer some, and he 
> has mentioned a background with math/proofs. If he is willing 
> to do safety review, then so I am, then so will someone else 
> who feel like refreshing their training in program 
> verification... Use the resources you have. Those resources, we 
> do have, I think. Unused.
That's great; thanks for that.  Seriously.  But to my mind, that 
adds a whole new stack of concerns.  How many people do you think 
you'll need to absorb the patch flow to Phobos?  In perpetuity?  
How do you separate the qualified from the overconfident?  How 
many people need to check something independently before you're 
reasonably certain there are no mistakes?  etc.  Any time you 
bind yourself to human process, you've created a bottleneck of 

And that's just Phobos! You don't scale horizontally and it's 
kind of problematic to approach this with the assumption that 
everyone wanting to write something that even reasonably 
approximates safe code is a mathematician.  Rather, that doesn't 
bear out in practice at all.

Bottom Line: If it can't be even partially automated, it's not 


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