Trusted Manifesto
John Colvin via Digitalmars-d
digitalmars-d at
Mon Feb 9 02:54:50 PST 2015
On Monday, 9 February 2015 at 08:19:24 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:
> Andrei and I have learned a lot from the @trusted discussions.
> It's clear the way we were approaching the problem was
> inadequate. So we came up with a proposal based on the ideas
> and criticisms of the participants in the references. It
> involves no language changes, but offers usage guidelines that
> we believe are workable. Tell us what you think!
> ----------------------------------------------------
> Trusted Manifesto
> -----------------
> Memory safety in D has the usual definition: a memory-safe
> program never reads
> uninitialized memory and never reads or writes memory with a
> type incompatible
> with the type it was written. The aim of D's
> @safe, @trusted, and @system attributes is to provide as much
> mechanically verified to be safe code as possible.
> Functions
> ---------
> Function signatures inform what must be true about a function.
> If
> a function is marked as @safe, it must contain only @safe code.
> This
> safety must be mechanically checkable.
> Sometimes, an unsafe operation is needed even in a function
> that is overall safe. For example,
> here's a function that returns an upper case version of its
> input string:
> string toUpper(string s) @safe
> {
> char[] r = new char[s.length];
> foreach (i, c; s)
> r[i] = toUpper(c);
> return cast(string)r; // <== unsafe operation
> }
> The compiler rejects this function because it's declared as
> safe but contains an
> unsafe operation.
> Review of the whole function shows that the operation, in this
> instance, is safe.
> One way to deal with that is to do what is called an "escape",
> meaning
> telling the compiler "I know what I'm doing, so allow this
> operation":
> string toUpper(string s) @safe
> {
> char[] r = new char[s.length];
> foreach (i, c; s)
> r[i] = toUpper(c);
> static string trustedCast(char[] r) @trusted
> {
> return cast(string)r;
> }
> return trustedCast(r);
> }
> This will pass typechecking. However, the only reason it is
> safe is because the context
> in which trustedCast() is called makes it safe. In other words,
> a manual review of the surrounding
> context is necessary, which violates the @safe promise that its
> contents are mechanically
> checkable.
> I.e. the trustedCast() function is an "escape" that injects
> unsafety into its surrounding
> contents.
> This leads to:
> RULE 1: @trusted code accessible from @safe code must expose a
> safe interface to unsafe operations.
> @trusted must not be used to inject unsafety into surrounding
> context that is marked @safe.
> @safe code must be mechanically verifiable to be safe, and
> subverting that is not acceptable.
> COROLLARY 1: @trusted functions should be as small as possible
> to encapsulate the unsafe operation
> without injecting unsafety into @safe code.
> In the case of toUpper(), it is necessary to review the entire
> function to verify that the cast is safe,
> so it is properly written:
> string toUpper(string s) @trusted
> {
> char[] r = new char[s.length];
> foreach (i, c; s)
> r[i] = toUpper(c);
> return cast(string)r;
> }
> Use of local @trusted functions with safe interfaces is
> encouraged to minimize the amount of safety code review
> required.
> Generic Functions
> -----------------
> Generic functions are templates that accept compile time
> parameters in the form of types, values or aliases to other
> functions.
> Whether the function is @safe or @system is not checkable until
> the template function is instantiated with explicit
> arguments. If the template function is marked as @safe, then it
> can only be instantiated with arguments that expose
> safe operations.
> If the template function is marked @safe, then RULE 1 applies.
> But that reduces the genericity of the function. The compiler
> is able to deduce whether a template function is @safe or
> @system
> when it is instantiated. For maximum utility, we need a way to
> specify that:
> This template function is @safe if the generic and
> non-generic operations it uses are @safe as well,
> otherwise it is @system.
> Consider a function to make an immutable array copy of a range:
> immutable(ElementType!Range)[] toArray(Range)(Range r)
> {
> alias ElementType!Range E;
> alias Unqual!E U;
> U[] a = new U[r.length];
> foreach (i, e; r)
> a[i] = e;
> return cast(immutable)a; // <== unsafe operation
> }
> Being a template function without specified attributes, the
> compiler will infer the attributes.
> But with the unsafe cast, toArray() will always be inferred to
> be @system. But the rest
> of the code is safe. If toArray is marked as @trusted,
> immutable(ElementType!Range)[] toArray(Range)(Range r)
> @trusted
> {
> alias ElementType!Range E;
> alias Unqual!E U;
> U[] a = new U[r.length];
> foreach (i, e; r)
> a[i] = e;
> return cast(immutable)a; // <== unsafe operation
> }
> then if the range primitives (front, empty, popFront) exposed
> by the argument to r
> happen to be @system, then those are invalidly assumed to be
> trustable. Every usage
> of toArray() would need to be reviewed for safety, which is
> impractical.
> What is needed is a way to isolate the unsafe operation, and
> enable the compiler to
> infer the rest. In other words, a local exemption from overall
> safety deduction is needed.
> Introducing the 'trusted' template to be put in std.conv:
> @trusted auto trusted(alias fun)() { return fun(); }
> and used:
> immutable(ElementType!Range)[] toArray(Range)(Range r)
> {
> alias ElementType!Range E;
> alias Unqual!E U;
> U[] a = new U[r.length];
> foreach (i, e; r)
> a[i] = e;
> import std.conv : trusted;
> auto result = trusted!(() => cast(immutable)a);
> return result;
> }
> Use of the trusted escape requires the programmer to review the
> context to determine if
> it really is safe. The compiler will infer safety from the rest
> of the operations.
> RULE 2: Usage of escapes are only allowable in functions for
> which safety is inferred,
> and never when calling into as-of-yet not defined generic
> functions.
> But how can it be verified that toArray() is safe otherwise?
> RULE 3: An @safe unittest must be used to verify safety when
> escapes are used.
> @safe unittest
> {
> ... TODO: test toArray() ...
> }
> A unittest may also be constructed that verifies via static
> assert that if a type
> with @system operations is passed to the function, that the
> function is inferred
> as @system.
> The programmer must still verify that the usage of escapes that
> leak
> unsafety into the surrounding context is safe.
> RULE 4: Escape unsafety must not inject unsafety beyond the
> template function it is used in.
> Alternatives
> ------------
> 1. if(0) block
> Provide an @trusted local function that fully encapsulates the
> unsafe code and its context,
> providing a safe interface. For the operations on template
> parameters that may or may not be
> safe inside the local function, represent them in an if(0)
> block of code:
> if (0) // safety inference
> {
> Unqual!T tmp = cast(Unqual!T)item;
> emplaceRef!(Unqual!T)(tmp, cast(Unqual!T)item);
> }
> @trusted void emplace()
> {
> auto bigData = _data.arr.ptr[0 .. len + 1];
> emplaceRef!(Unqual!T)(bigData[len], cast(Unqual!T)item);
> //We do this at the end, in case of exceptions
> _data.arr = bigData;
> }
> emplace();
> Although this works, it requires duplication of code in a
> rather careful, tedious, and essentially
> unmaintainable manner. It also simply looks wrong, although it
> could be made more palatable by
> enclosing it in a template.
> 2. isSafe!T template
> Such a template would test that all operations on type T are
> @safe. The template function could
> then be marked @trusted. The troubles with this are (a) it is
> all or nothing with T, i.e. if a
> template function only used an @safe subset of T, it still
> would not be accepted and (b) it does
> not do proper inference of the safety of a template function.
> 3. @system escape
> @system would be used for escaping unsafe code in an @trusted
> function, or in an un-attributed function
> it would instruct compiler to not use the escaped code when
> deducing trustworthiness. Unsafe code in an @trusted function
> not so marked would generate an error. While this works, it
> would essentially break every @trusted function
> already in existence. It is a somewhat nicer syntax than the
> std.conv.trusted template, but the backwards compatibility
> issue makes it unworkable. It offers a technical advantage over
> std.conv.trusted in that @system will not be
> allowed in @safe functions, while not allowing std.conv.trusted
> escapes in @safe function would be by convention.
> References
> ----------
> Acknowledgements
> ----------------
> Everyone who participated in the references!
Looks great.
It seems to me that rules 2 and 3 could be helped along by
tooling (compiler or external).
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