Proposal : aggregated dlang git repository

weaselcat via Digitalmars-d digitalmars-d at
Tue Feb 10 09:44:24 PST 2015

On Tuesday, 10 February 2015 at 17:00:18 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu 
> On 2/9/15 11:28 PM, weaselcat wrote:
>> On Tuesday, 10 February 2015 at 07:17:11 UTC, Dicebot wrote:
>>> At the same time stuff like RefCounted is a mess.
>> +1
>> (Sorry for the noise, just wanted to share the opinion. :) )
> One actionable item would be to point at a code fragment and 
> argue "wtf - here's some good evidence". Thanks! -- Andrei

My position isn't as a D developer but as a  (somewhat new) D 
user attempting to port a C++ library. Many features in D feel 
unfinished and tons of feature requests sit on the bug tracker. 
Attempting to port a library that requires a lot of deterministic 
resource management to D has felt like I've been repeatedly 
kicked in the teeth. There was an enhancement request from 2009 
that got closed by Walter about addressing D's lack of resource 
management utilities back in November (2014) saying just use 
refcounted. That would be great if refcounted wasn't half 
implemented and nearly featureless compared to C++'s shared_ptr.

There was a few bug reports for unique/refcounted (submitted by 
you IIRC) to address their many issues that have pretty much just 
sat there and which are far beyond my current D skillset to work 
on. All while major D developers were working on the website and 
major D utilities are well - broken.

Addendum, I wrote this on a phone during my commute so I 
apologize about the lack of specifics and links - I hate mobile 
typing. :)
Also, I am not blaming anyone for not working on what I deem 
important in a FOSS project. I use almost only FOSS software and 
understand that if I want feature X I should submit a PR.

But a lot of my disgruntlement using D has already been summed up 
in proposed DIPs that rot on the wiki.
I'm probably going to continue using D because I like where it's 
headed but it would be very difficult for me to recommend it to 
any colleagues.

Again I apologize for the briefness, I'll try to reply to this 
later with better details.

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