Inconsistent coding style in code examples

Walter Bright via Digitalmars-d digitalmars-d at
Thu Feb 12 12:16:38 PST 2015

On 2/12/2015 1:46 AM, ketmar wrote:
> On Wed, 11 Feb 2015 16:09:59 -0800, Walter Bright wrote:
>> On 2/11/2015 3:34 PM, ketmar wrote:
>>> no, i didn't found anything else. with this patch dmd with wine works
>>> perfectly -- no crashes since then.
>> Thanks again for finding the problem and posting a fix.
> now i feel ashamed, 'cause i did that for my own profit, and you are
> thanking me like i did a big job fixing bug that nobody except me ever
> seen. ;-)

Why you did it doesn't matter. What matters is you did it and contributed it. 
Also, just because it wasn't reported before doesn't mean it wasn't happening to 
people. The vast majority will see a bug, and just dump the compiler and move to 
something else.

Me, for example, I very very rarely bother to report a bug in a product I use. 
The reason isn't because I am lazy (although I am). It's because companies make 
it hard to report a bug. If they want to act like they're doing me a favor by 
accepting a bug report, then I won't bother.

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