Proposal : aggregated dlang git repository
Sativa via Digitalmars-d
digitalmars-d at
Fri Feb 13 12:46:49 PST 2015
On Tuesday, 10 February 2015 at 06:22:51 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu
Why? Why are so many of us dedicating so much energy to
> tweaking what already works, instead of tackling real problems?
> Problems that e.g. - pardon my being pedantic - are in the
> vision document?
Because this is what people do! To avoid the bigger issues, which
are hard, grueling, mind-numbing and without short term
The good news is that with proper management it all could be done:
1. Proper D IDE with great debugging, library, and resource
2. Fixing the GC/phobos mess
3. Cross-platform Gui and 3d graphics library
4. etc...
5. etc..
The great news is, that there are people working and willing to
work on all these things. Also, most of them already have
"Solutions"(not necessarily the best but people know what they
needs to be done at least.
The problem?
Someone has to manage all this and see how all the pieces of the
puzzle work together, knowing how each interact with each other,
and guide those working on the individual parts as they so they
can achieve their goal, which fills in large parts of the puzzle.
Basically someone needs to step up and become the tzar/overseer.
Someone that spends their time managing everything and allowing
the worker bee's to collect honey.
As it seems to me, most worker bee's are a bit confused on what
they should/could be doing because there is not a clear and
precise roadmap on what exactly needs to be done to reach the
goal. (but there have been many maps made)
(It's not as bleak as I've implied, just saying there is
significant room for improvement in efficiency, which seems to be
the main problem from my perspective)
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