Issue with rendering
Vladimir Panteleev via Digitalmars-d
digitalmars-d at
Sat Feb 14 02:25:50 PST 2015
On Saturday, 14 February 2015 at 10:08:16 UTC, Rikki Cattermole
> Anyone with DOM + javascript experience could. But it would be
> more of a set of unit tests then anything else.
No, you have missed my point. without an AI, it is impossible to
write a general test to check that the webpage "looks broken".
Unless your plan is to check whether each image is aligned as it
is expected to, in which case you need to add a test for each
element of the DOM, and update the tests for each minor case. And
what has been gained through that?
There is nothing syntactically or semantically wrong with the
DDox page. It is as valid as before the overhaul. The
problem is that it is using an old HTML layout with a new CSS
> Design related stuff, its probably easier to just add the
> images to the PR so that humans can review it manually.
Have you been following the github repository?
Screenshots HAVE accompanied most PRs which change the website
visually. The problem is that nobody considered DDox. And why
should they? It would be unfair to force every contributor to
also familiarize themselves with Ddox, Diet templates, and other
components necessary. Especially with the build process being as
broken as it is now (see my other post). If I plan to make the
forum and wiki use the same templates, would it be fair that I
demand that everyone changing the website layout to also
integrate and test their changes for the forum and wiki?
> Worse case scenario is nobody can say, it was pulled and its
> broken! Its PR'er's fault! No, it was whoever reviewed + pulled
> it as well for not checking those images.
So now every reviewer and contributor has to know not just CSS,
JS and HTML, but also Diet.d and Phantom unit testing. Way to
raise the contribution bar!
> In PhantomJS you have full access to execute javascript and
> hence modify the DOM from within the host V8 engine.
I am well familiar with PhantomJS, I just don't see how it
The answer here is to make DDox as transparent as possible - make
it stop using its own templating language and use the one we
already use for everything else - HTML, PDF, Mobi, CHM - DDoc. If
it can be divorced from Dub, as fragile as it is now, even better
- the build process is complicated enough already. And there
needs to be someone around to maintain it, you can't just create
something and drop the maintenance burden on everyone else.
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