contiguous ranges
Pasqui23 via Digitalmars-d
digitalmars-d at
Wed Feb 18 08:10:28 PST 2015
On Wednesday, 18 February 2015 at 08:34:49 UTC, Vlad Levenfeld
> I would argue that the only operations which preserve
> contiguity are slicing, concatenating and appending; r.retro,
> r.stride,!f, etc should yield a RandomAccessRange.
> I don't think this is a deal breaker, as conceptually its akin
> to losing random-accessiblity under a filtering or grouping.
> Input ranges are ubiquitous, RandomAccessRanges are more rare,
> and ContiguousRanges are rarer still. It stands to reason that
> contiguity is unlikely to be preserved under a given
> transformation.
No.The main strenght of the range api is its ability to preserve
range categories.The loss of range categories is a *price* we pay
for lazy evalutation,categories wich can be restored by .array
in exchange for the usual price for dynamic allocation.
>> This needs, however, a few more implementations that
>> motivate the concept.
> The main use cases I had in mind was for optimized data
> transfers and passing arguments to C APIs, and in this regard
> the definition of ContiguousRange would need a bit of
> refinement, maybe like so:
> A ContiguousRange r of type R is a RandomAccessRange which
> satisfies hasLValueElements and defines a member called ptr
> which satisfies the following conditions:
> 1) *r.ptr == r[0] && r.ptr == &r[0]
> 2) for all 0 <= i < r.length, *(r.ptr + i) == r[i] && r.ptr
> + i == &r[i]
> We could then have:
> void load_data (R)(R r) {
> static if (isContiguousRange!R)
> auto ptr = r.ptr;
> else {
> auto cache = r.array;
> auto ptr = cache.ptr;
> }
> some_C_lib_call (r.length, ptr);
> }
> and
> void copy (R,S)(R r, S s) if (allSatisfy!(isContiguousRange,
> R, S)) {
> // type and length equality assertions
> vectorized_blit (ElementType!R.sizeof, r.length r.ptr,
> s.ptr);
> }
> ---
You are on track when you say the main use case would be
optimized data transfer and comunication with C.However you are
describing ContiguousRange as
a type implicitly convertable to T[],wich I deem too
restrictive.Optimized data transfers don't care at all that the
bytes are in order,only that the data are in the slice you gave
Instead a contiguous range is one wich satisfies the following
R r;
static assert(hasLValueElements!R && !isInfinite!R);
foreach(ref i;r)assert(s.ptr<=&i<s.ptr+s.lenght);
This allow,for example,to say:
void copy(R)(R r1,R r2)if(isContiguousRange!R){
It even give us a contiguous BinaryHeap,simply by
struct BinaryHeap(Store){
private Store store;
@propriety void[]toContiguous()if(isContiguousRange!Store){
return store.toContiguous;
and this BinaryHeap will be copied using only 1 call to memcpy.
> Extending the concept to multiple dimensions is thorny, but
> then, I've found that the same is true for everything but
> RandomAccessRanges.
My proposal allow simple extension to multiple dimension.
if r is a n-dimensional range,then then the following must hold
On Tuesday, 17 February 2015 at 15:50:17 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu
> for an array r, is r.retro contiguous or not?
I would say yes.In general,a good rule of thumb would be:this
range can be copied via memcpy?Then preserve contiguous-ness.
For funcion accepting ranges ia a bit more complicated:
If the function cares that r[i]==*(s+i) then it should accept
only T[]
else it should accept contiguous ranges.
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