Vector swizzling a-la GPU shaders in D

Denis 'GeneralGDA' Gladkiy via Digitalmars-d digitalmars-d at
Tue Feb 24 07:38:53 PST 2015

I was playing with D for a several weeks and came up with a 
swizzling implementation for a vector class. The feature is 
common for languages like GLSL or HLSL. One of the use cases is a 
vector cross product with only two GPU instructions.

Here is the idea:

Here is the full source of the vector:

The code allows you to write something like "const foo = 
bar.yyzx" where bar is a vector and ".yyzx" constructs a new one 
from it.

This is not a production code. I believe one could make it much 
better. But the idea seems to be interesting in the area of inner 
DSLs for D.

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