[OT] HTML: div/iframe hybrid?

H. S. Teoh via Digitalmars-d digitalmars-d at puremagic.com
Thu Feb 26 13:34:53 PST 2015

On Thu, Feb 26, 2015 at 03:36:04PM -0500, Nick Sabalausky via Digitalmars-d wrote:
> On 02/26/2015 02:51 PM, Adam D. Ruppe wrote:
> > the window size is under the user's control.
> >(one of the few things they have left under the user's control!)
> >
> Yea. Speaking of, that mobile-directed "no zoom" css thing is
> seriously fucking evil. If browser devs had any basic integrity
> whatsoever they'd deliberately ignore that abomination of an
> attribute, or at least let any B&D users who enjoy being told what
> they can't do on their own miniature device just opt-in to it.

I find this trend extremely disturbing and exceptionally annoying. I
wish every browser would come with an option to override everything the
author tries to shove down your throat and using what YOU, the user,
specify as default instead.

Opera used to have an "author mode" and "user mode", where you can set
up custom CSS that completely replaces the website's CSS at the touch of
a key. Whenever I come across an annoying site with unreadable fonts,
garish colors, way too many ads, or text that's unreadable unless you
turn on JS (ha! nice try!), a single key-combo discards that whole
nonsense and restores power to the user. Bam. Sadly, after they ditched
Linux, the Presto engine, the original devs, and jumped on the Chrome
bandwagon, Opera is pretty much dead as far as I'm concerned, so these
days I'm using Vimperator/Firefox instead. While it *is* possible to
setup user CSS, it's more tedious than it has to be, and I'm not sure if
it's possible to make it switcheable via a key without having to edit
.css files manually.

Although, on second thoughts, that's not necessarily a bad thing... a
universal stylesheet that removes all useless font changes, colors,
extraneous images, and formats everything into fixed-width 80 column
paragraphs, now that could the ticket to pure bliss! :-P Just give me
the content, m'am, keep all the frills to yourself. Oh, you mean there's
nothing left after the frills and eye-candy are gone? Well, then, I'll
move on to another site that actually sports content, thank you very
much, have a nice day.


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