Is there such a thing?

Taylor Hillegeist via Digitalmars-d digitalmars-d at
Thu Feb 26 14:10:15 PST 2015

On Thursday, 26 February 2015 at 21:37:46 UTC, Marc Schütz wrote:
> On Thursday, 26 February 2015 at 19:53:54 UTC, Taylor 
> Hillegeist wrote:
>> So, In languages like .net they have dll's that contain not 
>> only bytecode but also the necessary headers to make them 
>> usable in any .net language. I was curious if this kind of 
>> thing has ever been attempted for static libraries?
>> basically some type of universal header + static library = 
>> Everything Needed to use in project file.
>> of course they would be targeted for a certain platform but 
>> would be really easy to grab/use.
>> And if the header could be agreed upon any compiled language 
>> could use the library which would be a huge benefit.
>> Perhaps i'm incorrect in my assumptions. Let me know what you 
>> think about the idea?
> IIRC, Pascal unit files work that way. No interface source file 
> is required to use them.

That Looks pretty close to exactly correct:

It was still two files but it looks like the .ppu was analogous 
to a c header. like the compiler striped out all the necessary 
declarations. Very interesting... But I don't think it makes it 
easier to link to with d. The idea is pretty cool though. I 
wonder if other compilers do the work of creating sources with 
the logic striped out for use as a header only.

One of the listed uses for a unit was if the developer wanted to 
hide his ip but allow others to use the code.

Does D have a way of doing this?

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