Improving ddoc

Joseph Rushton Wakeling via Digitalmars-d digitalmars-d at
Thu Jan 1 02:10:32 PST 2015

On 01/01/15 05:48, Andrei Alexandrescu via Digitalmars-d wrote:
>> But on a deeper note, perhaps the issue isn't really ddoc syntax per se,
>> but the fact that doc comments can *only* be processed by ddoc. If there
>> was a way to get the raw text out, the people who dislike ddoc can pipe
>> it to the formatter of their own choice, and they would be happy. People
>> who are indifferent will get ddoc by default, which, despite its flaws,
>> isn't really *that* horrible.
> That's pretty much the very charter of ddoc- most misunderstood tool ever.
> Luckily I'll send some pull requests that simplify generation - some time
> next year :o)

My problem is very much the opposite: it's not that only ddoc can process ddoc 
syntax, it's that raw ddoc syntax is, often, not very human-readable.  For me 
it's very important that the documentation should be trivially comprehensible 
_when browsing source code_, and too often Ddoc markup prevents that.

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