Is it possible to collect object usage information during compilation?

DaveG via Digitalmars-d digitalmars-d at
Sun Jan 11 08:21:40 PST 2015

On Sunday, 11 January 2015 at 09:54:42 UTC, Jacob Carlborg wrote:
> On 2015-01-11 02:08, DaveG wrote:
>> In the past I have used FreeTDS, through PHP, and it had a lot 
>> of
>> problems. This was several years ago and could have been at 
>> least
>> partially due to the PHP layer.
>> Last year I messed around with the ODBC wrapper and got 
>> amazingly poor
>> performance, I believe the project was abandoned before I 
>> figured out
>> the problem. Anybody actually using this in D? I'll have to 
>> write some
>> tests and fire up the SQL profiler.
> We used Ruby on Rails with an SQL Server at my previous work. 
> We used TinyTDS which uses FreeTDS. It worked surprisingly well 
> but it did had some problems. One of those problems were 
> encoding problems, but that mostly because we used an older 
> version of SQL Server.

It was probably around 2011 when last I used FreeTDS, and even 
then I think it was an older version, so it's quite possible 
those issues have been resolved. My bias against it probably 
unjustified. We are only targeting Windows anyway so ODBC is 
probably a safe bet.

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