dlang.org should do it in style

Andrei Alexandrescu via Digitalmars-d digitalmars-d at puremagic.com
Sat Jan 17 09:52:22 PST 2015

On 1/17/15 7:28 AM, Mathias LANG wrote:
> Quick question: how's the website synced ATM ? Is it some post-commit
> hook, manual, cron job ?

make rebase -j && make clean && make rsync -j

make clean is a complete bear. All - please make dub generation better.

> The redesign use a Vibe.d webserver. I'm wondering whether this is a
> possibility for dlang.org.

I think it is. I will explore that with our webmaster. But beware - the 
least productive thing right now is yet another project I need to work on.


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