Please help me with improving

Adam D. Ruppe via Digitalmars-d digitalmars-d at
Sun Jan 18 11:25:52 PST 2015

On Sunday, 18 January 2015 at 17:58:57 UTC, Mengu wrote:
> if i may, i'll go and straightly ask a very great designer 
> friend of mine to help us out. he'll either design a new 
> interface for us or help us make this one better. let me know 
> your call.

BTW I'll write the css myself if some designer wants to send me a 
.png file of what they want the site to look like. (I shouldn't 
be promising this given the million other things I have to do, 
but writing css isn't really that hard compared to coming up with 
the visual design)

Tough I think the site is basically ok looking right now and just 
a few minor tweaks would be nice... which is why I wrote them 

I encourage others to do the same, just open a pull request and 
we can hash it out over some concrete code.

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