Please help me with improving

Mike via Digitalmars-d digitalmars-d at
Sun Jan 18 16:57:16 PST 2015

On Sunday, 18 January 2015 at 02:18:16 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu 
> I took the better part of today working on this: 
> See demo at
> What do you all think? Is it an improvement over what we have 
> now?
> I'd appreciate your help with reviewing and pulling this, and 
> also with improving the colors (which I'm terrible at) and page 
> tracking as mentioned in the pull request.

What are your primary concerns with the website?  I think it 
would help to know what you are trying to achieve.

Personally, although isn't particularly pretty, I think 
its fine.  It's the unmaintained and unfinished content that's 
the real problem, not the aesthetics.  I've made a number of PRs 
to move "unofficial" content to the wiki so it could be better 
maintained there, and if not maintained, at least appear less 
official.  I believe's lack of maintenance is partially 
due to the issues mentioned below.

I've tried to do some improvements on, and its a PITA.  
If it were made more convenient, there would be greater 
participation from me, and likely others.  So, I offer the 
following suggestion:

1) Modify the build scripts and the instructions on so 
that it's abundantly clear how to fork, modify, build, verify, 
submit PRs without having read verbose instructions and without 
having to clone and build dmd, druntime, phobos, and other 
repositories just to get an html page to verify an edit.  I would 
do this myself, but an important prerequisite to updating build 
scripts and documentation is knowledge, which I have yet to 
possess.  But someone in this community knows.

2) Aside from the documentation generated from the source code, 
why does the website need to be "built"?  IMO a static website 
like shouldn't need any additional tools other than a 
browser and an image editor.  I may explore some options later, 
but only after 1) is done.


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