Use proper frameworks for building

Mathias LANG via Digitalmars-d digitalmars-d at
Mon Jan 19 08:57:14 PST 2015

On Monday, 19 January 2015 at 16:38:58 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu 
> But that's beside the point. This seems to suggest the choice 
> is "if we didn't have to build the mobi and pdf, the road is 
> clear to using Great Framework(tm)". There are a few issues 
> with that, such as nobody seems to agree what the Great 
> Framework is, though I'd happily switch to vibe.d for obvious 
> reasons if there were a champion for it; second, after all is 
> said and done it's me to pay the piper.
> Andrei

The reason I'm asking is because this is exactly what I started 
working on.
While not a web designer, I'm sure I have enough experience with 
Vibe to get this done. However, I just wanted to make sure it has 
a chance to go in. Glad to hear it is !

I'll work on a PoC and let you know. I'll try to do it ASAP, 
however I didn't want to make any promise, as I'm finishing my 
master and will start a job abroad in March, so it's quite hard 
to plan things.
Anyway, for any suggestion / concern / ping, my email is easily 
found here or on Github (@Geod24).

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