dlang.org redesign n+2 (the one with the bold red vertical menu)
anonymous via Digitalmars-d
digitalmars-d at puremagic.com
Sat Jan 24 08:23:21 PST 2015
On Saturday, 24 January 2015 at 06:43:41 UTC, H. S. Teoh wrote:
> Not bad! I actually like this one. The only obvious object I
> have is the
> unbroken bar of red on the left. I think it might look much
> better if we
> darken the "sky" above the Mars horizon where the D logo sits.
> Not
> completely black, but a much darker red that it currently is,
> to provide
> some visual contrast.
Like this: <http://i.imgur.com/70guZgC.png>?
Used the same color as the border, because darker than the border
looks weird, and lighter than the border isn't really dark.
It adds some depth. I wouldn't mind either way, but I'd choose
the current flat version.
Also, the same logo is used in the 'mobile' layout, but on a
horizontal stripe. There, the whole stripe is the 'sky', and I'd
like to keep the main color of the stripes the same.
> And maybe fade out the red towards the bottom of the page. Just
> something to soften the otherwise prominent red strip on the
> left.
I think I'd prefer the plain version here too. If the red is to
flashy, maybe a slightly darker tone for the whole thing would be
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