accept @pure @nothrow @return attributes
Jonathan Marler via Digitalmars-d
digitalmars-d at
Tue Jan 27 09:16:35 PST 2015
On Tuesday, 27 January 2015 at 16:50:00 UTC, Jonathan M Davis
> On Tuesday, January 27, 2015 11:47:04 Nick Treleaven via
> Digitalmars-d wrote:
>> On 27/01/2015 02:27, Jonathan M Davis via Digitalmars-d wrote:
>> > You're right. I forgot about those two. But it's still the
>> > case that the
>> > number of function attributes that don't have @ on them
>> > is_far_ greater
>> > than the number of those that do.
>> But I explained that most function attributes don't only apply
>> to
>> functions but to variables as well:
>> public, protected, package, private, static, const,
>> immutable, inout, and deprecated
>> So it can be consistent that the above don't use @.
>> These only affect functions, not variables, so should be
>> @attributes IMO:
>> final, override, abstract
>> These affect both:
>> return, ref
>> So if we want some kind of consistency, we can achieve it by
>> adding @
>> for final, override, abstract, and removing it for 'return'.
> abstract also applies to classes, as does final. Also, if we
> end up adding
> any new attributes later, they're bound to have @ on them to
> avoid requiring
> a keyword (which is why we have @ on some of them in the first
> place), and
> if the new attribute applies to variables or types as well,
> then the
> division that you're suggesting falls apart.
> IMHO, if we have to search for a way to make them consistent,
> then there's
> no point. We're just going to end up with making things more
> consistent in
> one way and less in another without necessarily making it any
> easier for
> anyone to keep track of, so we'd just be shuffling things
> around. I think
> that there needs to be a clear and solid benefit to changing
> which
> attributes have @ and which don't, or we shouldn't mess with
> them.
> Honestly, I just consider @ to be part of the name, and I
> memorized it as
> part of the keyword. The result is that I don't even remember
> ever having a
> problem trying to figure out which attributes had @ and which
> didn't. Sure,
> it would be nice we had a rule of thumb that we could give
> newbies that
> would tell them which to use, but so few have @ that I really
> don't think
> that it's much of a practical issue - just an aesthetic one.
> I'd also point out that the compiler will give an error message
> telling you
> which attributes have @ on them you use something like
> @deprecated, so it's
> not hard at all to figure out what you did wrong. So, even if
> someone has
> trouble remembering which built-in attributes start with @,
> they'll figure
> out where they got it wrong quite quickly.
> - Jonathan M Davis
I share your sentiments exactly. The only thing I would add is
that I don't see why we can't just remove the '@' symbol from all
language defined function attributes. I've already proposed a
way to do this that wouldn't add any more keywords and would be
fairly trivial to do (see my previous posts). However, since
Walter doesn't like my idea I guess it's dead. However, I can't
figure out why he doesn't like
This issue isn't a huge deal, like you said it's not too hard to
learn which ones require the '@' symbol and which ones don't, it
just looks weird. It's just too bad that my solution isn't even
considered even though it would solve all these issues.
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