accept @pure @nothrow @return attributes
Daniel Kozak via Digitalmars-d
digitalmars-d at
Tue Jan 27 13:15:01 PST 2015
Jonathan M Davis via Digitalmars-d píše v Út 27. 01. 2015 v 08:49 -0800:
> On Tuesday, January 27, 2015 11:47:04 Nick Treleaven via Digitalmars-d wrote:
> > On 27/01/2015 02:27, Jonathan M Davis via Digitalmars-d wrote:
> > > You're right. I forgot about those two. But it's still the case that the
> > > number of function attributes that don't have @ on them is_far_ greater
> > > than the number of those that do.
> >
> > But I explained that most function attributes don't only apply to
> > functions but to variables as well:
> >
> > public, protected, package, private, static, const,
> > immutable, inout, and deprecated
> >
> > So it can be consistent that the above don't use @.
> >
> > These only affect functions, not variables, so should be @attributes IMO:
> >
> > final, override, abstract
> >
> > These affect both:
> >
> > return, ref
> >
> > So if we want some kind of consistency, we can achieve it by adding @
> > for final, override, abstract, and removing it for 'return'.
> abstract also applies to classes, as does final. Also, if we end up adding
> any new attributes later, they're bound to have @ on them to avoid requiring
> a keyword (which is why we have @ on some of them in the first place), and
> if the new attribute applies to variables or types as well, then the
> division that you're suggesting falls apart.
> IMHO, if we have to search for a way to make them consistent, then there's
> no point. We're just going to end up with making things more consistent in
> one way and less in another without necessarily making it any easier for
> anyone to keep track of, so we'd just be shuffling things around. I think
> that there needs to be a clear and solid benefit to changing which
> attributes have @ and which don't, or we shouldn't mess with them.
Exactly I do not think we can (want to) be 100% consistent . Even If I
really like to see every attribute to be with or without @ (because
consistency). I do not think it will be perfect. For eg. one of things I
like about D is how easy I can switch from PHP, Java C# or C++. Even
rewrite some of my code from PHP consist with following steps:
1.) remove $
2.) replace :: and -> for .
3.) some minor changes (sometimes nothing)
So I would prefer if private, public, protected, final, static stay
without @,
but D specific things like
pure,immutable,nothrow,nogc,safe,trust,disable,deprecated... would go
with @
if I speak about immutable(const) I only mean function attribut not
storage. And It would be perfect if all theese must be on the right
// OK
public final void someFunc() @immutable @safe @nogc @nothrow
// OK
public final immutable(int) someFunc() @immutable @safe @nogc @nothrow
return 5
// Deprecated
public final immutable int someFunc() @immutable @safe @nogc @nothrow
return 5
// Error or Deprecated
public final @immutable int someFunc() @safe @nogc @nothrow
return 5
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