Initial feedback for std.experimental.image
rikki cattermole via Digitalmars-d
digitalmars-d at
Thu Jul 9 22:11:45 PDT 2015
On Friday, 10 July 2015 at 04:52:54 UTC, Vladimir Panteleev wrote:
> On Friday, 10 July 2015 at 04:35:51 UTC, rikki cattermole wrote:
>> write("output.png", image
>> .flipHorizontalRange
>> .flipVerticalRange
>> .rotate90Range
>> .copyInto(new TheImage!RGB8(2, 2))
>> .asPNG().toBytes);
> Why the "Range" suffix for functions? Aren't most functions
> going to be lazy, and thus have a "Range" suffix?
There are three kinds of mutation functions per functionality.
1) Modifies an image in place and returns it
2) image.rangeOf.function
3) Takes in a PixelPoint input range
Range suffix seemed like a good way to separate out which return
a range and which don't.
> Does copyInto do resizing / colorspace conversion? Such
> operations should be explicit. If it doesn't, then most of that
> sub-expression is redundant...
Nope. It just copies a PixelPoint input range into an image
storage type.
> Have you looked at If a second
> argument is not provided, an appropriate image is allocated
> automatically (on the heap though).
>> I have an idea similar to copyInto except:
>> .copyIntoTemporary!TheImage(allocator) // return
>> SwappableImage!(ImageColor!TheImage)(allocator.make!TheImage,
>> allocator); // auto ref return type
> It took me a while to understand what SwappableImage does. The
> documentation could be improved.
> I think you should not be adding runtime polymorphism
> implicitly anywhere. There are virtual range interfaces in
> Phobos, yes, but wrapping is only done explicitly, as it should
> be here.
In this case the only reason SwappableImage would be used is to
use its lifetime management facilities. But hey you can manage it
yourself if you want too...
>> Basically SwappableImage can already deallocate the original
>> storage instance when it's destructor gets called. If provided
>> with the allocator. Same with RangeOf.
> I suggest to avoid conflating Phobos range terminology with 2D
> image views. The current naming scheme makes me think that it
> returns a range of rows, or some other range which is directly
> pluggable into std.algorith. What's wrong with "View"?
As far as I am aware the range capabilities could be used with
std.algorithm. There is nothing stopping you. It just uses
PixelPoint!Color to represent a single pixel instead an instance
of the color.
> I'd also like to ask why you decided to write a library from
> scratch instead of reusing existing ones. I've spent days
> solving certain design issues of, it seems
> wasteful to me to discard that and duplicate the effort. If the
> license is the issue, I'd be happy to relicence it.
Licensing isn't an issue. I choose to write a new one to take
advantage of std.experimental.color. It originally was meant to
just test it. In fact I've been taking a lot of queues from for this very reason. It is a very good piece
of code and it already has solved may of the issues already.
Although now it is also pretty much testing e.g.
std.experimental.allocators too.
I chose against reusing as a base (same as e.g.
dlib's and Devisualization.Image) because it would take a lot of
work to get working with the newer Phobos to be modules. Almost
as much as a new library would take.
You were the only person I was really interested in opinion wise.
Manu's is great, but you have already done this. You know what
works and doesn't.
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