Where will D sit in the web service space?
via Digitalmars-d
digitalmars-d at puremagic.com
Wed Jul 15 01:32:54 PDT 2015
On Wednesday, 15 July 2015 at 06:57:36 UTC, Sebastiaan Koppe
> If D can do something cool with that, e.g. a web application
> framework where services sit behind a vibe-d web server, and
> where they can be easily developed, tested, deployed and
> upgraded - with 0 downtime - that would be great. Combine it
> with a knowledgeable community and some good practices (e.g.
> 12factor apps) and you can have a honey-pot.
Ok, but then you need to focus on integration with at least one
cloud service, like AWS and have a team that supports it on that
cloud service. So I think that is starting in the wrong end.
If you have a feature set that makes it easier to support
products using D than Rust/Go/Java/C# in a specific domain, then
some startup will pick it up to gain an advantage and build "the
next big thing". Then you get several frameworks more quickly
because you have many hands. And the best ones survive.
If you need a single excellent framework as the main feature...
then you have lowered your odds.
> I don't think people care as much about the other stuff (gc,
> etc).
I am now writing in Go, despite the language feeling odd and less
familiar than D, because:
1. I want a statically typed language to deal with increased
complexity (but not if it means more work overall than using
Python, on more servers).
2. Google have announced that they have a low latency GC, so I
feel confident that responsiveness is going to be OK and I don't
have to deal with memory management at all.
3. Google are supporting it on their infrastructure, so I know it
will interact well with Google Cloud and I don't have to worry
about APIs.
4. There are web related 3rd party commercially supported
libraries for interacting with commercial services. (Like Stripe
for credit cards)
I don't think vibe.d can build this eco system. I think you need
a feature set that makes some startup want to build their _own_
public available framework using D for good PR. Docker is
basically what made Microsoft embrace Go AFAIK.
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