dmd 2.068, 2.069, 2.0xx Evil Plan going forward
HaraldZealot via Digitalmars-d
digitalmars-d at
Tue Jul 21 13:12:23 PDT 2015
On Monday, 20 July 2015 at 21:27:17 UTC, Mathias Lang wrote:
> We do follow a versioning style: '2.MAJOR.PATCH' (with major
> being 3 digits). It's not as good as SemVer, but better than it
> was few years ago, and I have faith we'll end up following
> SemVer at some point.
> Following SemVer strictly wouldn't solve the real problem:
> We'll go from
> 2.068, 2.069. 2.070.. to 3.0.0, 4.0.0, 5.0.0 and will soon end
> up playing
> catch up with Chrome.
> To follow SemVer we'll have to separate breaking changes from
> bugfixes
> (including regressions) from new feature, and most likely work
> with
> separate branches.. Martin already started to work on this and
> we're in a
> nicer spot now, but it requires manpower.
> Since we don't have 2 consecutive releases that don't break
> code, I see no
> point in changing the version scheme at this point other than
> satisfying
> the purists.
> Having a focus for releases will hopefully mitigate that
> problem. But so far most posts have been about "BTW we need
> that fixed" and "our versioning scheme is broken".
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