Rant after trying Rust a bit

Jonathan M Davis via Digitalmars-d digitalmars-d at puremagic.com
Sat Jul 25 03:12:13 PDT 2015

On Saturday, 25 July 2015 at 09:44:30 UTC, Jacob Carlborg wrote:
> On 2015-07-24 21:04, Walter Bright wrote:
>> Dynamic cast is no different from QueryInterface(), which is 
>> how it's
>> done, and the reason is the point of all this - avoiding 
>> needing to
>> enumerate every interface needed by the leaves at the root of 
>> the call
>> tree.
> I'm not familiar with QueryInterface():

It's part of COM. Basically, it's equivalent to doing something 

auto f = cast(MyInterface)myObj;
if(f is null)
{ /+ you can't convert it to MyInterface +/ }
{ /+ you _can_ convert it +/ }

except that with the way that QueryInterface works, it's actually 
possible to get a completely different object out of it. It 
doesn't have to have any relation to the original object, and the 
new type doesn't have to be in an inheritance hierarchy with the 
original type. So, you can do wacky stuff like have an interface 
which relates to one object hierarchy and convert it to an 
interface from a completely unrelated object hierarchy just so 
long as the underlying type knows how to give you the type you're 
asking for (be it because it implements both interfaces or 
because it's designed to give you an object that implements the 
interface you're asking for).

So, QueryInterface isn't actually guaranteed to do anything like 
a cast at all. It just guarantees that you'll either get an 
object of the type you ask for - somehow - or that the call will 

And the way it's used often seems to be the equivalent of 
something like

interface A {}
interface A : B {}

interface Foo {}
interface Bar : Foo {}

class MyClass : B, Bar {}

Foo f = getFoo(); // returns what it is actually a MyClass
A a = cast(A)f;

It happens to work, because the underlying type implements both, 
but why on earth would you expect that a Foo would be related to 
an A when they're completely unrelated? And yet that seems to be 
the sort of thing that gets done with QueryInterface - at least 
in the code that I've worked with that does COM.

Personally, I think that it's nuts to even be attempting to cast 
from one interface to an entirely unrelated one and expect it to 
work - or to write code in a way that that's a normal way to do 

- Jonathan M Davis

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