Read text file fast, how?
Johan Holmberg via Digitalmars-d
digitalmars-d at
Sat Jul 25 05:19:12 PDT 2015
I am trying to port a program I have written earlier to D. My previous
versions are in C++ and Python. I was hoping that a D version would be
similar in speed to the C++ version, rather than similar to the Python
version. But currently it isn't.
Part of the problem may be that I haven't learned the idiomatic way to do
things in D. One such thing is perhaps: how do I read large text files in
an efficient manner in D?
Currently I have created a little test-program that does the same job as
the UNIX-command "wc -lc", i.e. counting the number of lines and characters
in a file. The timings I get in different languages are:
D: 15s
C++: 1.1s
Python: 3.7s
Perl: 2.9s
The central loop in my D program looks like:
foreach (line; f.byLine) {
nlines += 1;
nchars += line.length + 1;
I have also tried another variant with this inner loop:
char[] line;
while(f.readln(line)) {
nlines += 1;
nchars += line.length;
but in both cases this D program is much slower than any of the others in
C++/Python/Perl. I don't understand what can cause this dramatic difference
to C++, and a factor 4 to Python. My D programs are built with DMD 2.067.1
on MacOS Yosemite, using the flags "-O -release".
Is there something I can do to make the program run faster, and still be
"idiomatic D"?
(I append the whole program for reference)
/Johan Holmberg
import std.stdio;
import std.file;
void main(string[] argv) {
foreach (fname; argv[1..$]) {
auto f = File(fname);
int nlines = 0;
int nchars = 0;
foreach (line; f.byLine) {
nlines += 1;
nchars += line.length + 1;
writeln(nlines, "\t", nchars, "\t", fname);
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