Last call for AliasSeq

deadalnix via Digitalmars-d digitalmars-d at
Wed Jul 29 09:42:16 PDT 2015

On Tuesday, 28 July 2015 at 14:00:29 UTC, Paolo Invernizzi wrote:
> Again, that's not "my opinion", these are facts, collected 
> everyday in my working room, and I'm just reporting them.
> The problem lays in the "Tuple" word, and in the "Type" word, 
> so just avoid them completely.
> It is up to you, D developers, to take care of our experiences, 
> as we must teach D, or just ignore them.
> You are free to judge them as you want, but I don't have the 
> burden to prove anything, as my company is a business user of 
> D, not a contributor.
> I just don't understand why, every single time, we business 
> users report our experience, they are just labeled as 
> 'opinions', or they are declassed to minor problems, as in the 
> never ending 'break-my-code' discussions.
> ---
> Paolo

Don't worry, they aren't just labeled as opinion. The problem 
encountered teaching type tuple, where both type and tuple 
confused the hell out of newcomers, it the very reason why this 
whole name change started.

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