Interfaces, traits, concepts, and my idea for a DIP
Atila Neves via Digitalmars-d
digitalmars-d at
Fri Jul 31 07:24:56 PDT 2015
On Friday, 31 July 2015 at 14:23:28 UTC, Atila Neves wrote:
> On Friday, 31 July 2015 at 11:16:48 UTC, Biotronic wrote:
>> On Thursday, 30 July 2015 at 10:40:59 UTC, Atila Neves wrote:
>>> [...]
>> Why are there two different things in the first place?
>> @satisfies!(myConcept, T) should test the constraints and give
>> a sensible error message. This you use to indicate that type T
>> implements myConcept.
>> Why can't another template use the very same concept
>> information to check if a type implements the concept?
>> e.g.:
>> @satisfies!(myConcept, MyStruct)
>> struct MyStruct { /* ... */ }
>> void foo(T)(T t) if (check!(myConcept, T))
>> { /* ... */ }
> Because you want to:
> 1. Check your type and get sensible error messages
> 2. Use a constraint in function declarations
> You can't have `@satisfies!(isInputRange, T)` give you an error
> message if it doesn't have access to the source code of the
> lambda that actually does the checking and you can't get error
> messages unless you force the compilation of code you _know_
> won't compile.
> It's ok for template constraints to be false without causing a
> compilation error; that's how we get compile-time template
> function resolution. When you're using something like
> `@satisfies` however, you want a compilation error and its
> message. That's why you need two things.
> Atila
Notice however, that (again, in the PR), the "real" definition
happens only once, in the check function. Then the constraint is
always a trivial `enum MyConstraint =
is(typeof(myCheckFunction));`. It's just a matter of moving the
lambda away, giving it a name, and doing the weird `if(!__ctfe)`
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