Daily downloads in decline

Andrei Alexandrescu via Digitalmars-d digitalmars-d at puremagic.com
Mon Jun 1 11:11:40 PDT 2015

Per http://erdani.com/d/downloads.daily.png, the 28-day moving average 
of daily dmd downloads is in pronounced decline following a peak at the 
2.067 release. It is possible that the recent release of Rust 1.0 has 
caused that, shifting drive-by experimenters to it.

We need to act on this on multiple fronts.

1. It's a big bummer that nothing has happened with chopping up the 
videos over the weekend. Right now DConf is three 6-hour blobs of 
unstructured footage. John has warned us he might not have broadband 
access to do so during his travels. In retrospect, what we should have 
done was to immediately arrange that John gives access to the videos to 
someone willing and able to do the postprocessing.

2. It's an equally big bummer that "This Week in D" failed to be there 
on Sunday night. I completely understand Adam's overhead, what with his 
still traveling and all, but the bottom line is if it's not every Sunday 
it's not steady and if it's not steady it's not. Again, in retrospect it 
seems we need backup plans for when the protagonist of whatever 
important activity is unable to carry it. Who'd like to double Adam on this?

3. We've just had a good conference with solid content, but if our 
collective actions are to be interpreted, we did our best to be as 
stealth as possible. Please consider writing blogs, articles, tweets, 
posts, related to all that stuff. Speakers in particular should consider 
converting their good work into articles. Programmer news sites are full 
of Rust-related stuff; we must respond in kind with great D content.

All of us who have an interest in D to succeed must understand there is 
also a proportional sense of duty. If you can do X and don't, it can be 
safely assumed X will just not get done at all. Which means whatever you 
can do, please just do it, do it now, and stay with it until it's done.



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