Daily downloads in decline

Jonathan M Davis via Digitalmars-d digitalmars-d at puremagic.com
Mon Jun 1 18:21:59 PDT 2015

On Monday, 1 June 2015 at 23:05:47 UTC, deadalnix wrote:
> On Monday, 1 June 2015 at 19:29:05 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu 
> wrote:
>> We need either gdc 2.067 or ldc 2.067 released in order to 
>> build ddmd with them. Otherwise we're suffering a 20% perf 
>> loss.
> Note that this is a general problem, not limited to DDMD. We 
> should definitively tie GDC and LDC closer to DMD dev. It is 
> common for many to update to the latest version of DMD, usually 
> because one need bugfix, and sugger that 20% slowdown because 
> LDC and GDC are not ready.

Well, Daniel's big priority right now seems to be making it so 
that dmd, gdc, and ldc can have _exactly_ the same frontend code 
so that the updates required for gdc and ldc for new releases 
will be relatively minimal. Once that's done, the process for 
getting all of the backends ready for a new frontend release 
should be much faster.

- Jonathan M Davis

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