[OT] Modules dropped out of C++17

Shachar Shemesh via Digitalmars-d digitalmars-d at puremagic.com
Tue Jun 9 22:31:17 PDT 2015

On 10/06/15 00:29, Walter Bright wrote:
> First off, D does not allow "shadowing" local variable declarations.
> Secondly, if you've got a lot of global variables, you've got a program
> design problem anyway. And lastly, naming everything "diskIdx" is a
> problem of your own creation.
The first one is called so because it names the index of the disk within 
a RAID stripe. It's probably an iterator.

How would you call the second time I use such an iterator?

You might argue that the function that extracts the disk index should be 
named something more verbose (i.e. - extractTheDiskIndex), but then you 
are just repeating Ola's criticism[1] of D as if it is a desirable thing.

People on this list hold a certain paradigm in their head when they make 
design decisions. That's fine, except if you hold on to this paradigm 
and assume anything that violates it is bad code, you are going to end 
up with Go: a language only fit for those problems that happen to fall 
within that paradigm.

People have preconceptions on how code should look like. I would humbly 
like to ask people to stop ->assuming<- that anything that violates them 
is bad code.


1 - http://forum.dlang.org/post/uvajlhfztejvwnubszpb@forum.dlang.org

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