Bug 14666, can we prioritize ?

Kenji Hara via Digitalmars-d digitalmars-d at puremagic.com
Wed Jun 10 05:30:21 PDT 2015

2015-06-10 15:55 GMT+09:00 Walter Bright via Digitalmars-d <
digitalmars-d at puremagic.com>:

> On 6/9/2015 10:39 PM, deadalnix wrote:
>> The actual code is far more complex than the presented sample :)
>> That what I'm trying to do in general, but here I'm faced with cases that
>> are
>> very hard to untangle.
> The 'tangle' of cyclical import graphs, as you so appropriately put, is
> not only hard on the compiler, it makes it much harder for human readers to
> make sense of code. Even reading your little code snippet hurts my brain.
> Go, in one of their better decisions, decided "Thou Shalt Not Have Import
> Cycles". This forces users to untangle their code, and I believe that is A
> Good Thing.
> I'd like to do that for D, but of course it is far too late for that.

D has true forward reference resolution mechanism. In that case modules are
cyclic imported, but the declared symbols don't have actual cyclic
references. Therefore the snippet should work.


And the regression was introduced by your unrelated change. While fixing
the issue, I couldn't understand why it was necessary.


Kenji Hara
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