Building the docs with own changes

Joseph Rushton Wakeling via Digitalmars-d digitalmars-d at
Mon Jun 15 11:47:11 PDT 2015

On 13/06/15 17:30, Andrei Alexandrescu via Digitalmars-d wrote:
> On 6/13/15 1:10 AM, Joseph Rushton Wakeling via Digitalmars-d wrote:
>> Adding LATEST=2.067.1 to the command indeed allows clean to run, but
>>  then -- joy! -- I can no longer rebuild anything, because the cached
>> DMD 2.067 is deleted and I need internet connectivity to get it
>> back.
> I don't think make clean deletes dmd2.067.1. It does instruct you to do
> so if you so want.

Just for clarity, I'm talking about the auto-downloaded executable, not the git 
clones of the stable version to ../dmd-2.067 etc.  In other words right after 
the make command is issued, this gets run:

$ make -j2 -f posix.mak LATEST=2.067.1 phobos-prerelease
mkdir -p .generated/
echo "LATEST=2.067.1" >.generated/2.067.1.ddoc
mkdir -p /tmp/.stable_dmd-2.067.1
TMPFILE=$(mktemp deleteme.XXXXXXXX) && curl -fsSL > 
${TMPFILE}.zip && \
		unzip -qd /tmp/.stable_dmd-2.067.1 ${TMPFILE}.zip && rm ${TMPFILE}.zip

Anyway, I believe you're right that this temporary download doesn't get cleaned 
up by "make clean" but I believe it can get lost through cleanup of the /tmp dir 
without any user intent.

I'm just trying a general "make -f posix.mak" build (which will recreate the 
clones of stable dmd etc.) and will see if this allows avoiding the curl 
download of prebuilt dmd.

> There's no surprise that things we didn't focus much effort don't work well.
> That said, I'm not sure what's happening there - things should have worked;
> phobos-prerelease doesn't require the legacy stuff. Should be reported as a bug.
> Perhaps it's dub that insists on a specific version. Could you please try "make
> -f posix.mak html" while disconnected and see if that goes through?

I'll give it a go.  Will report back on results.

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