PHP verses C#.NET verses D.

Laeeth Isharc via Digitalmars-d digitalmars-d at
Wed Jun 17 11:40:00 PDT 2015

On Wednesday, 17 June 2015 at 16:28:42 UTC, Etienne wrote:
> I've been working on developing the entire Web Stack in D, down 
> from the kernel to the multiplexed HTTP/2 protocol and the 
> high-level framework that queries the database and serves the 
> response in json.

Your work looks very interesting, although I haven't used it yet. 
  Any idea how far away it might be from being something that 
someone could use in an enterprise environment simply, in the 
same kind of way that vibed is easy?  I appreciate that making it 
broadly usable may not be what interests you, and may be a 
project for someone else.

> If I did so at a high personal investment cost, it was so those 
> insane web development languages wouldn't bother me anymore. In 
> D, if you have a bug, you are 100% certain that you can resolve 
> it yourself. You have all the C/C++ tools available to go all 
> the way down to the memory and debug anything you want. You 
> have statically typed language that allows huge projects to 
> breathe very healthy and increment features at low cost.
> Nothing beats D in my opinion. It's 20 years ahead of 
> everything out there. All you need to do, is know how to use it 
> and understand it enough to resolve any bugs you come up with.

Any chance you could write a bit more on this?  Your personal 
story and why you believe this.  We could post on the Wiki as 
part of a series of narratives on people who have found D 
helpful.  Stories are a powerful complement to just ticking off 



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