Martin Nowak is officially MIA

Etienne via Digitalmars-d digitalmars-d at
Wed Jun 17 18:34:30 PDT 2015

On Thursday, 18 June 2015 at 01:01:09 UTC, Lost Indian wrote:
> There is story of Banda Bahadur (an Indian warrior) who was 
> captured along with his 4 year old son and asked to convert. On 
> refusal, his son of 4 years was butchered in front of his eyes

To be fair it does sound like he was asking for it. I wouldn't 
provoke an armed man who's holding my 4 yr old captive. I mean, 
the young ones have been butchered in War since before mankind. 
War is Hell. This stuff has happened recently, I haven't finished 
holding my breath over reading about Nanking Massacre on 
Wikipedia the other day.

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