D could catch this wave: web assembly
Abdulhaq via Digitalmars-d
digitalmars-d at puremagic.com
Thu Jun 18 11:30:22 PDT 2015
On Thursday, 18 June 2015 at 10:36:16 UTC, Joakim wrote:
> Why can't they just admit that the core architecture of the web
> is horrific, ie an antiquated document format based on some
> shitty 50-year old IBM markup language
> (https://en.wikipedia.org/?title=Standard_Generalized_Markup_Language), a programming runtime that was cranked out in 10 days in the middle of the browser wars and certainly shows it (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brendan_Eich#Netscape_and_JavaScript), and a stylesheet language hacked on top to eliminate some redundancy, _by adding yet another language_?!
Of course this is exactly true and it drives me mad too, but you
can't just jettison it in favour of a better architecture. Given
that it must be supported else it will break the interweb, what
else is there to do but do but to build the new stuff on the
side. With a canvas, OpenGL backing and a half-decent 'assembly
language' to compile down to, it could be made into (ultimately)
a satisfactory development platform. You would only need to use
DOM and CSS for the top canvas/OpenGL node and from there down
it's all however you want to roll it.
As for performance then granted it seems bizarre to require all
these layers below, but I remember watching a very interesting
video about how running on the OS is subject to large overheads
in the kernel, while running in the browser can bypass that and
hence is not such a performance drop as you might expect -
unfortunatel I can't dig up the link.
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