Martin Nowak is officially MIA

via Digitalmars-d digitalmars-d at
Fri Jun 19 11:41:32 PDT 2015

On Friday, 19 June 2015 at 16:02:34 UTC, Martin Nowak wrote:
> Interestingly this links back to our missing communication 
> infrastructure.
> We should have regular (semi-public) meetings involving all core
> contributors to plan development, releases, and everything D.
> Private (irregular) email discussion don't cut it, b/c they 
> leave most
> people uninformed. The newsgroup doesn't work either, b/c it's 
> too busy
> with daily news.
> We pay a lot for the lack of communication (it's key in a more 
> hierarchical structure), b/c noone but Walter and you can push 
> something on the development agenda without a screaming rant on 
> the newsgroup. This is a main reason why so much work gets 
> stuck/killed in the pull request stage (who could have 
> discussed it before), and also the main reason why we rarely 
> collaborate on topics.
> -Martin

You could use a teamchat like Slack, HipChat, ChatGrape or even 
Let's Chat.

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