Presentation Intro to D: What works?
rsw0x via Digitalmars-d
digitalmars-d at
Fri Jun 26 00:10:03 PDT 2015
On Friday, 26 June 2015 at 07:00:22 UTC, thedeemon wrote:
> On Friday, 26 June 2015 at 04:43:08 UTC, Rikki Cattermole wrote:
>>>> Looks like I will give a talk about D to our local Functional
>>>> Programming User Group in August.
>> irk be careful when showing off ranges. Get some damn good
>> background of what D is first. It took me well over a year
>> before I started to get into them.
> For FP people working with combinators on lazy lists or
> sequences is a well known thing, so they should easily
> recognize it.
> People in OCaml, F# or Elm write code like this every day:
> Char.toCode c |> spt |> List.reverse |> toString |>
> String.join " "
> (this one is in Elm)
> And in Haskell it looks similar but usually in backwards order
> and separated by "." and $. For haskellers, comparing D ranges
> with "classy prelude" shall be appropriate, I guess.
> I think one should also talk about how D ranges when passed
> through several processing steps can keep important information
> in their types so that xs.retro.take(100).map!f.retro[33] works
> in O(1). This is what most other languages don't do.
I absolutely _hated_ laziness in Haskell. It made it impossible
to reason about the performance of anything. I find it the
complete opposite in D because so much happens at compiletime,
I've seen ldc and gdc turn rather long range chains into assembly
you'd expect from nested for loops.
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