Attempt to get rid of phobos Makefiles, using reggae

Jonathan M Davis via Digitalmars-d digitalmars-d at
Mon Jun 29 09:52:33 PDT 2015

On Monday, 29 June 2015 at 12:06:39 UTC, Atila Neves wrote:
> I wouldn't do a PR until the outputs are exactly the same, I 
> posted this trying to gauge what the interest / opinions were.

Moving away from Makefiles to something like this definitely 
appeals to me (editing the makefiles is _not_ fun, and sadly, in 
spite of how bad it is, posix.mak is far less of a pain than 
win32.mak). However, as far as actually moving away from the 
Makefiles goes, you'd have to convince Walter and Andrei, and I 
don't know how convincible they are or aren't. And I don't think 
that we really want to have multiple ways to build the standard D 
toolchain, since then that increases maintenance to keep them in 
line with one another. So, if we have raggae builds (or anything 
like it) for the D toolchain, then I think that we need to fully 
move over to them and ditch the makefiles altogether.

- Jonathan M Davis

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