Facebook, D and the web

Chris via Digitalmars-d digitalmars-d at puremagic.com
Mon Mar 16 07:47:13 PDT 2015

In a recent thread[1] there was a lot of talk about how to make D 
more attractive, how to communicate it's advantages to a broader 
audience etc.

I was wondering, if Facebook would be interested in either 
developing or championing the development of a scripting language 
based on D that would be a. useful for in-house development at 
Facebook and b. for a broad audience of web developers. This 
would (ideally) be a language that:

1. is easy, even for non-programmers (like Lua and Python)
2. can be used to easily build web based UI apps (forms etc)
3. can be used for server-side programming and data analysis
4. is, of course, compatible with D and can be extended with 
modules written in D (and C for that matter)
5. runs on mobile platforms
6. may be able to interact with JS
7. is open source

I don't know, if there is any demand for this at Facebook at the 
moment, but I could imagine that there is demand for a better web 
language in general.

People keep mentioning "killer apps" for D and maybe a killer 
technology / framework would be even better.

[1] http://forum.dlang.org/thread/mdtago$em9$1@digitalmars.com

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