A few notes on choosing between Go and D for a quick project
amber via Digitalmars-d
digitalmars-d at puremagic.com
Tue Mar 17 15:58:39 PDT 2015
On Tuesday, 17 March 2015 at 18:32:10 UTC, Almighty Bob wrote:
> On Tuesday, 17 March 2015 at 12:52:01 UTC, Atila Neves wrote:
>> On Tuesday, 17 March 2015 at 10:31:06 UTC, Almighty Bob wrote:
>> This discussion happens often when discussing C++'s or D's
>> `auto`. It doesn't matter what the type is, what matters is in
>> the interface.
>> As for storing it:
>> auto foo = voldemort();
>> Oh, you meant in a struct?
>> struct Foo(T) {
>> T thingie;
>> }
>> auto foo(T)(T thingie) {
>> return Foo!T(thingie);
>> }
>> auto f = foo(voldemort());
>> Atila
> That proves my point cost for the user just so the library
> designer can group his type inside the function that returns it.
> How many times is csvReader used vs how many times is it
> written. It it's 100 to 1, that's 100 times the cost to the
> user vs 1 x the cost to the library author.
> I cant help thinking it's like how when programmers first learn
> about design patterns they start trying to make everything they
> can into a ****ing singleton.
I have on a number of occasions wanted this:
struct S {
Iota r; // ?? Would be nice, can it be done ??
if(something) {
s.r = iota(10);
} else {
s.r = iota(0, 10, 2);
As a new D user and relatively new to programming I've tried
really hard to find a way to do this and given up. If it's
possible I'd love to know!!
I did try the template approach with "function return type part
of my struct type" route but it a) made my code very messy with
templates everywhere even where I didn't want them and b) the
compiler memory usage blew out to over 4Gb with 2.067 and I could
not compile my project.
I had to take it all out again and in the end implemented my own
iota with my original approach (as above). I'm not doing that
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