Unittests and windows application

Stefan via Digitalmars-d digitalmars-d at puremagic.com
Thu Mar 26 05:11:31 PDT 2015

On Thursday, 26 March 2015 at 10:50:06 UTC, Vladimir Panteleev 
> On Thursday, 26 March 2015 at 10:23:58 UTC, Stefan wrote:
> That's a bug. You'll notice that if an exception is thrown in 
> main() (or anything called from it), you'll get a MessageBox 
> for GUI applications. That this doesn't also occur with 
> unittest failures is a bug.

Do you have the bug/issue number for that?

> For now, you can work around this by writing your own WinMain, 
> which calls rt_runModuleUnitTests explicitly, inside a 
> try/catch block which will then display a MessageBox.

Hmm, that is what i tried to do, but the code in 
Runtime.runModuleUnitTests() catches already all exceptions and 
writes that to the console.
I have not found rt_runModuleUnitTests in the current D runtime 

However, I was successful in setting the moduleUnitTester 
property of Runtime. Inside my main module I do:

static this()  {
	Runtime.moduleUnitTester = &unitTestRunner;
bool unitTestRunner() {
	string line = "";
	void printErr(in char[] buf) {
        	string message = to!string(buf);
        	if ( message == "\n" ) {
        		Logger.send( line );
        		line = "";
        	} else {
        		line ~= message;

	size_t failed = 0;
	foreach( m; ModuleInfo ) {
		if( m ) {
			auto fp = m.unitTest;

			if( fp ) {
				try {
				} catch( Throwable e ) {
					e.toString(&printErr); printErr("\n");
	return failed == 0;

where the Logger.send() delegates to OutputDebugStringA().

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