readln() doesn't stop to read the input.

Ivan Kazmenko via Digitalmars-d digitalmars-d at
Fri Mar 27 00:28:18 PDT 2015

On Friday, 27 March 2015 at 04:37:34 UTC, jonaspm wrote:
> Please, i need your help, I tried this:
> write("Write p: ");
> readln(p);
> p = chomp(p);
> writeln("Write q: ");
> readln(q);
> q = chomp(q);
> but the result is:
> Write p: Write q:
> and doesn't pause to read keyboard input... what's wrong?
> Thanks in advance!

The easiest to use is the form "<string> = readln()":

     write("Write p: ");
     auto p = readln().chomp();
     write("Write q: ");
     auto q = readln().chomp();

The second version, "<length> = readln(<buffer>)", goes something 

     auto buf = new char[1024];
     write("Write p: ");
     string p = buf[0..readln(buf)].chomp().idup;
     write("Write q: ");
     string q = buf[0..readln(buf)].chomp().idup;

It allows to reuse a preallocated buffer for greater speed and 
finer allocation control.

Also worth noting, the best place for such questions in D.learn 

Ivan Kazmenko.

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