A reason to choose D over Go
Chris via Digitalmars-d
digitalmars-d at puremagic.com
Fri Mar 27 12:00:15 PDT 2015
On Saturday, 21 March 2015 at 22:16:10 UTC, Martin Nowak wrote:
> This blog post describes what to consider when switching from
> python to go.
> http://blog.repustate.com/migrating-code-from-python-to-golang-what-you-need-to-know/#tips
> It's very interesting, because the long list of things to give
> up for
> more efficient go code reads like an argumentation against
> choosing go
> from a D perspective.
> And given that D is on par with Python's expressiveness, we
> should
> really emphasize this aspect.
> I recently made a pull request for a go tool and spent about
> half an
> hour trying to find some function to test whether an array
> contains a
> particular element. I also asked on #go-nuts to confirm I
> didn't miss
> anything, but you're really supposed to write an explicit loop.
> https://github.com/buger/gor/pull/149/files#diff-b8b346beabeabdf0fca6f0b6893ce82bR42
> That's what you would write in other languages.
> ```py
> if "chunked" in request.transfer_encodings:
> return
> ```
> ```ruby
> return if request.transfer_encodings.include? 'chunked'
> ```
> ```d
> if (request.transferEncodings.canFind("chunked"))
> return;
> ```
> ```c++
> const auto& arr = request.transfer_encodings;
> if (find(arr.begin(), arr.end(), string("chunked")) !=
> arr.end())
> return;
> ```
> There exists some functionality for sorted arrays (only int,
> float, and
> string), but that isn't applicable here.
> http://golang.org/pkg/sort/
> While go will hardly ever have good support for algorithms,
> because of
> the lack of overloads and generics, they also choose against
> adding such
> trivial, but often needed, algorithms to the basic types.
> With a functional programming (or C++ algo) background, I find
> this very
> hard to get used to.
> Repeatedly writing out such trivial code often mixes different
> levels of
> abstraction and is one of the reasons why go code is so noisy,
> manual
> error code handling being another one.
So it's basically like JavaScript? You have to re-invent the
wheel over and over again.
From the blog post:
"Also, and this counts for something I think, Go is a trendy
language right now, so when it comes to recruiting, I think
having Go as a critical part of Repustate’s tech stack will help."
Stop the world, I wanna get out!
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